I find it a little ironic that a few months ago when our old blog wouldn't let me upload pictures and I created this blog, I decided to take out the Arkansas part of the blog name. Now it's Oh Be Wiser, because sometimes we just need to be wise ya know?!
Our last couple weeks in Bentonville were bittersweet- that's the only word to describe it. Some friends arranged for a get together at a park with a bunch of our friends so we could have a chance to say goodbye. The kids had a great time, there were treats- a lot of treats! As I thought back later I never had a single dessert because I was too busy chatting with friends!
Such sweet friends we've made over the years!
The men getting ready to play a friendly game of shoot out
Lexi and her cute friends
The friendly game continues;)
Baylee and some of her favorite people
Ashlee Sammy and McKenna with Austin Conner and Bennet- we miss holding the triplets!
Carly Eva and Bryn
Over the next few weeks there were many goodbyes because it was summer and vacations were still to be had.
A few days before we left our friends the Bingham's hosted a Family Home Evening wit us, Hoopers, and Patterson's. The kids all had fun together, and then they surprised us with a DVD of our families together over the last 6 1/2 years- it was perfect! Watching each of our kids grow up together, and realizing just how much our families were tied together- it was an emotional night to say the least!
Tuesday night they came to our house and Dan and Linsey Grover. It was so fun to sit and chat- but the goodbyes were brutal. Dan and Linsey left first- we have loved having them down the street from us, and their daughters Adi and Gisele were such good friends with Ashlee and Baylee.
In the scriptures you hear "weeping and wailing" well that's what was heard in our house when we said goodbye. Carly just sobbed, and then as everyone was pulling away Baylee started wailing too. I won't post the pictures because quite honestly there is a lot of red and puffy eyes!
Wednesday the movers came and loaded everything up, and we did a final clean after. When we were mid cleaning we got a call that we had a shoeing- so it made our final walk through of the house a mad dash making sure everything looked good. It was actually a blessing in disguise. Just the few minutes it took me to get out of the car to take a final picture of the house made me start crying- I got in the car and told Darrell we needed to just go- I didn't want to start the drive sobbing.
We stopped in Nevada Missouri- only a couple hours away. We were emotionally and physically exhausted. We ate dinner, took the kids swimming and were asleep by 10:00. Our plan was to sight see and drive a couple more hours, but we ended up almost to Minneapolis before we stopped. We found a hotel with a water park- the kids loved it! The next two nights (which was Labor Day weekend) we spent in a hotel across the street to Mall Of America. The kids thought it was amazing! Sunday we checked out of the hotel, went to church, and then we got the keys to our house.
I don't really know how to explain what happened to me at that moment, i think it all just became very real. Sitting in an empty house just made me start crying. We had friends that invited us to dinner so I knew I had to find my happy- but it was hard! We borrowed their air mattresses and a few sleeping bags and slept in our house. Monday morning I couldn't sleep, I woke up at 5 am and finally got up and dressed and drove to get groceries and cleaning supplies. We had a ward picnic that afternoon and we all got to know so many more people. Everyone is so friendly and kind here!
Tuesday was the first day of school.
Lexi and Ashlee were able to walk through their school on Friday to find classes and practice opening lockers- but they were definitely still nervous. Their school starts at 7:50, so they were taken first. It was crazy foggy that morning, so foggy that we could barely see cars and houses around us. We saw were were passing a school at the last minute so I turned really fast- we couldn't tell if it was Carly's school or their school. It ended up being Carly's school, so we drove a little further and got to theirs. As we were waiting to drop off we couldn't even see the school building- that's how foggy it was!! As we got closer to the entrance the fog was a little thinner- but it was nuts!

Carly's school didn't start until 9:20- and by then the sun was out and bright! She also was able to walk through her school and find her locker, but her teacher wasn't there. I walked her in (because it's still ok in 3rd grade) and was able to chat with her teacher for a few minutes. Carly was nervous also, but gave me a hug and said I could go.
the moving truck arrived a few hours later so Baylee and I ran errands while they unloaded the truck. Lexi and Ashlee finished at 2:25 so I went to pick them up and I could see in Ashlee's face that she was holding back tears. I had been crying on and off all day- so seeing her like that made y tears start coming again. Lexi and Ashlee both said it was really hard, and that everyone kept commenting on them being new. We drove and got them a treat because sometimes chocolate can help.
Carly was able to ride the bus home and she got home around 4:20. She said she made new friends and that she liked her class- but she missed Bentonville. Ashlee was on the couch sobbing saying she just wanted to go back to Bentonville. It was such a hard moment as a mom. I felt so bad for them- but knew the Lord wanted us here in Minnesota. As I sat there watching them I was offering a silent prayer on how I could help them and say the right thing. The door bell rang right then and two girls from up the street wanted to come and introduce themselves and see if the girls could play. I burst into tears because I was so thankful- I think it shocked those poor girls!
We've been here for just over a month and are feeling more and more settled. After a couple weeks of school all the girls started feeling more comfortable in their classes and making friends. Baylee started preschool and is loving that as well.
She goes to school MWF and thinks it's the greatest thing! She also has a play group on Friday's so she is making friends quickly as well.
Darrell is loving his new job. He is busy and is learning a lot of new things- but that's how he likes work to be. He will be teaching the 17 year olds in Sunday School at church and is excited for that- he enjoys teaching.
I'm adjusting too. The sad days are getting less and less- which I'm so thankful for! We miss Bentonville, but are loving it here as well. We have been invited to so many dinners, desserts, and smores nights- everyone is great to invite us over.
Something I realized, there are many times in our lives that we need humbling- and there are so many ways the Lord humbles us. Ours was this move. It has brought us closer tot he Lord and closer to each other. We are praying and reading scriptures daily, we also have a family Thankful Journal. Our first Sunday the Sacrament talks were on gratitude and we needed some since we were a sad bunch! That night I pulled out a notebook and everyone says one or two things they are thankful for that day. It can be one word or a story- just something to make us look for the positive. It has been really rewarding doing it. I'm so thankful I have enough faith in the Lord to trust the answer we felt that we needed to move- because it has helped us grow in so many ways!